Girls are liars & Cheaters - I have heard this phrase lot many times !!! But the problem with me is, I don't agree to this !!!
My point of view is that, guys make girls cheat !!!
Sorry guys, don't mistake me - but that is what reality says !!! Hope even some of you might accept if I explain you with an example !!!
Without thinking about his present status, a guy goes and proposes a girl !!! Sometimes he even forces her to love him !!!
The girl might have 100 reasons for not liking him - but the guy has only one question !!! "Do you love any other guy ?!"
If the answer is yes - he leaves the girl and if answer is nope, he starts following / disturbing her !!!
Even if the girl explains all her family background, dependency on her etc, the guys are not ready to listen to it !!! They even act violently in some cases !!! So girl is left is only two options - either love him or have a lover soon !!!
Here there is something happening against science !!! Research says a girl listens 50%, understands 10% but speaks 200% !!! But in this case, boys are not even ready to listen 10% !!!
Many people may say only very few men act violently !!!But what UN report says is that 10% of Indian women are subjected to sexual harassment !!! 40% of men and women think that men have rights to beat their wife !!!
68% of men feel that provocative clothing is an invitation to rape !!! This is even more shocking !!!
Do you know what is the result of all these three parameters - it is loss in GDP !!!
It is stated that GDP of 4.2 is lost because of absence of full labour force participation from women !!!
A psychological research says that, security is the reason that many girls prefer to love a guy with good physique !!! They just use love to guard themselves from disturbance !!! Note - not all men and women fall under this category, it is just a survey report (on an average) !!!

Now one very simple question to all the guys - "What answer could a girl give to reject your proposal ?!"
I request you guys to communicate / share this answer in this blog or in social networks !!! Once when we think of an answer from their position - we could feel the difficulty !!!
Even today there are many people who still preserve value of love !!! But there are also people who mix love and violence !!!
I think too much of restriction and discrimination is the key thing that makes men dominate women !!!
Let me tell you one final note !!! A famous psychiatrist says that - "If men are given pressure of love as given to women, surely they could not withstand it" !!!
I never wrote this post with any negative intention !!! My intention is sound and clear !!! Treat girls as human !!! They too have feelings !!!
Finally, never try to attain love by force !!! Listen girls explanation !!! Try to understand their problems !!!
Now probably you guys might have understood the reasons for plenty of love failures !!!
Hope this post was useful !!! Please refer this blog to your friends and relatives !!! Please find time to write back to us !!! Do vote in INDLI, INDIBLOGGER and DIGG, if we deserve !!!
Well said...I guess ur experience also gained u to write dis post....
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Hats off