Human Resource is the most versatile and challenging resource !!! It is universally accepted !!!
Every human is gifted with a brain !!! It is really a crucial element to research !!! Scholars say that memory loss is the biggest gift God has given us !!!
But we people forget something which is more essential and remember some things to be forgotten !!!
The thought in our memory has serious and long standing impact !!!
Consider You are recognized for your good work today in your office !!! Your mind will be relaxed and you start behaving like a child !!! This happiness will reflect in your home too !!!
Hence the environment of the family changes !!! Happiness prevails everywhere !!!

It happens !!! Also scholars say this is the prime reason for increase in divorce !!!
What is the solution !??!
This is not a simple one mark question !!! Because it demands the change - change in working pattern and change in the way employees are treated by their bosses !!!
Any successful company needs committed and talented employees !!! Every wife / mother needs responsible and cool husband / son !!! Now, how to form a bridge between these two complex requirements ?!!?
The target is very simple - Make the employee forget his office job / tension in office itself !!! When he steps out of his office, he should be neutral minded !!!
Now before proceeding further, a small diversion !!!
Let me now discuss one major point here, more relevant to discussion !!!
What is the relation between satisfaction and engagement !??! (in HR term)
HR people states that, all satisfied employees are not engaged but all engaged people are satisfied !!!
Ex. Suppose I am working in an office !!! There is no one to monitor me !!! I punch my card by 9Am and have a visit to cafeteria, come back and spend some time with colleagues about sports and politics !!! Then take lunch, have a nap and step out from office !!!
I am satisfied with my job !!! But I am not at all engaged to companies activity !!!
Ex. Suppose I am working with some new ideas, making some experiments and achieve desired results !!! It shows I am engaged / committed to my job !!! This commitment comes only when you are satisfied with your job !!!
Now in nutshell, Job satisfaction is necessary to get a committed / engaged employee !!!
Now comes biggest challenge what every companies face !!!
Committed worker cannot be a good husband / child !!!
This is the most common phrase !!! Because, when you are committed company tries to make full use of your potential there by seeking more time from you !!! Automatically the time spent by you in your home goes down !!!
Every company has its unique approach to attain work - family balance !!! Some company provides family accommodation, some company provides school facility for employees' kids, some company arrange weekly / monthly tour etc !!! All these are done to retain your commitment level !!!
Hope this post was useful !!! Please refer this blog to your friends and relatives !!! Please find time to write back to us !!! Do vote in INDLI, INDIBLOGGER and DIGG, if we deserve !!!
Truly said....
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