A boy / girl gets employed at an age of 23 (average) !!! Girls get married sometimes before marriage or just a year or two after marriage !!! But boys remain bachelor for at least 3 - 4 years after getting a job !!! This post is a study about a boy who is employed, but unmarried !!!
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking - Albert Einstein !!! The motto of this blog is to ignite your thought process !!!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Medicine rate !!!
We have discussed about price hike of several commodities !!! But the most important and silent killer of many people are the medicine cost !!! Many people die in our country, only because they cannot afford to buy medicine !!! Thank God, our Government is drafting a new tactics to solve this issue !!! This post is a detailed analysis of the same !!!
Friday, 29 July 2011
The Love Effect !!!
Love makes life beautiful !!! Many of you would be in love and few of you would be supporting their love !!! Both are very good experience !!! People love only because of belief on their friends - Survey !!! In this post, we are to see some interesting facts about lover(s) and fake accounts !!!
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Earning capacity !!!
India has developed in all aspects !!! Earning capacity has rocketed in past 10 years !!! At the same time our expenses have also increased, resulting in decrease in saving amount !!! What is the reason behind all these fact ?!?! Lets see in this post !!!
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Memory Loss !!!
The most common excuse which everyone of us give - Memory loss !!! Though we people generally use memory loss for excuse purpose, it is really a gift that God has given us !!!
Monday, 25 July 2011
The most used fuel !!!
Eastern countries produces 53% of total Petroleum product !!! Anyhow after the revolution which blast in 1970, America took this issue seriously and till date they have control over petroleum products !!! But what is the status of India ?!?!
Sunday, 24 July 2011
A dream Abroad !!!
Learning abroad is a dream for many !!! But for few who learnt abroad, things are totally different !!! They instruct their friends not to come out of India !!! Why these all happens !??! This post is all about Indian students, abroad !!!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
The modern Lifestyle !!!
We people have become busy bees !!! Husband and wife both earn money to meet their modern lifestyle !!! Survey says that Husband and Wife thinks Child as hindrance for their happiness and hence there is decrease in population growth !!!
Friday, 22 July 2011
India - Health care Desert !!!
Indians are known for their caring attitude !!! But when it comes to health care of the self, we lag far behind !!! One side we are proud that Mrs. Hilary Clinton is praising India but there is a WHO report which makes us more sad !!!
Thursday, 21 July 2011
The Media Dependency !!!
We people are getting busy day by day !!! We have very less time to think about what is happening in our country - of course many of us never bother to think about Nation, even if they find time !!! This post is all about how this attitude has affected us !!!
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Destructive Technology !!!
Everything in this universe has two faces !!! We cannot mention a thing in this universe which is 100% useful !!! Probably if the usefulness is more than destructiveness, we call it as an useful product !!!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Nothing to Everything !!!
Many people have written / talked many things about Indian financial condition !!! ie. Rich gets richer and poor gets poorer !!! I recently saw an article which very clearly shares the discrimination !!! I thought of sharing it you !!!
Monday, 18 July 2011
Fake is not new !!!
Damaging economy of the country is the easiest way to cause instability of a country !!! Terrorism involves high risk and it is an open attack !!! If our intelligence is strong, terrorism can be avoided !!! But the hidden attack is something more serious than terrorism - today in our post we are to see one such hidden attacks !!!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Righteousness in Heart !!!
Righteousness is nothing but adhering to moral principles !!! The intensity of righteousness differ from person to person !!! This post is to explain how a righteousness can have a huge impact on pride of the Nation !!!
Saturday, 16 July 2011
No Other go !!!
Can anyone guess what is special after 90 days !?!? Ya of course, it is diwali week !!! This post is all about how people make money on using opportunity !!!
Friday, 15 July 2011
Where is humanity !?!?!?
I am really very upset !!! I live in this World hoping that my parents or my friends or my neighbours will help me when I am attacked !!! But probably I need to change my idea !!! Why we people have become so self centered !?!?!? This is post is a cry from my heart !!!
Thursday, 14 July 2011
We can do this !!!
Everyone of us were stunned yesterday evening by serial blasts in Mumbai !!! Really sad of the people who lost their life and got injured during this blast !!! In this post, there is nothing more about blasts but more about our mentality !!!
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Hats Off India !!!
We all know many things about India !!! In this post we will be discussing about mentality of Indians and the reason behind that mentality !!! I am sure this will help you understand more better about our county and people !!!
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Internal Anger !!!
Everyone of get anger !!! It is even considered as one of the prime characteristics of a healthy person !!! We all know about the ill effects of anger !!! But in this post we are to share something new about anger !!!
Monday, 11 July 2011
Real time Question !?!
It was nature or myth which made an apple fall on Newton !!! But I think its more than harmonic thing which makes boys fall on seeing beautiful girls !!! This post has some least discussed things about a girl and boy !!!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
An innovative method to conserve water !!!
In case if World War III happens, it is because of Water !!! This is universally accepted scenario !!! Many of us speak about water conservation - but think very less about it !!! In this post I have shared a easy and cheap water conservative method !!! Thanks to Mr. Narendra Modi for sharing it with common public !!!
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Inflation - Specially for beginners !!!
Every media uses this word !!! Everyday we come across this world at least 10 times !!! But how many of us know the basic concepts of inflation !??! In this post, I would try my level best to explain the term Inflation and its significance to best possible extent !!!
Friday, 8 July 2011
Office to Home !!!
The content I need to share today is a most common one !!! The impact that work pressure may have on families !!! This post is drafted after some research and consultation with my a random group of people !!!
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Environment - A practical example !!!
We hear many terms such as carbon foot print, carbon credit, green house effect, global warming etc !!! In this post, I have made an attempt to explain all these terms with practical examples !!!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Man for Machines !!!
If I am not wrong, it is human who invented machines / equipment !!! We made it to increase our comfort level !!! But are we aware that, our effectiveness reduces exponentially with the prolonged usage of some of our inventions !?!?!? This post is all about ergonomics !!!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Mobile Users - Its for you !!!
If petrol / diesel rates gets hiked by Re. 1, we people start shouting against Govt !!! But do we really keep track on our mobile service providers !!! They loot our purse, our environment and probably our health too !!! This is purely an awareness for mobile users !!!
Monday, 4 July 2011
Planning to attend your first interview !??!!?
Discussion is a positive parameter, whereas argument is not a healthy sign !!! In this post we are to see how discussion turns out as argument and what are the reasons behind this conversion !!! This difference may be very useful for people who are to attend your first Group Discussion !!!
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Its raining Websites !!!
It has been long since I posted any useful online resource or software !!! So today thought of fulfilling techies !!! This post has some online resources which could be really useful for you !!!
Saturday, 2 July 2011
India Stands 4th in this list !!!
India has recently overtaken many countries to reach 4th position in this list !!! But this is not a matter of joy !!! India is the 4th most insecure country for women to survive !!!
Friday, 1 July 2011
The somehow attitude !!!
Achieving target is acceptable !!! But our victory should not put others / environment in danger !!! Developing with minimum harm to environment is known as sustainable development !!!
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